Manuscript G Handwriting Nib

Manuscript G Handwriting Nib
This fine pointed nib with medium flexibility is ideal for beginners of modern calligraphy and is similar to the Nikko G and Zebra G nib but slightly more flexible for jucier calligraphy.
• Fine point
• Medium flexibility
• Polished finish
• Fits standard size pen holders
• Made in UK by Manuscript
Your calligraphy nibs will be presented in a miniature envelope pocket made from vintage paper and wrapped in re-used bubble wrap or cardboard packaging.
PLEASE NOTE: Your new nibs will need cleaning before you first use them as they have a layer of protective coating on them to help prevent rusting. If you don’t clean them then the ink will resist your nibs. The easiest way to do this is to use an old toothbrush and gently scrub with some toothpaste or washing up liquid on both sides. Rinse after using and you’ll be ready to go.
Read more on how to clean nibs here.